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The Necromancer's Lieutenant


מחבר: ICE
שנת הדפסה: 1990
עמודים: 32

Mirkwood, the mighty forest once named Greenwood the Great, extends east from the banks of the Anduin River to the vast plains of Rhovanion. In days of old, Elves made merry in its tree-ringed glades, accompanied by the music of chuckling brooks and tilling songbirds. The advent of the Necromancer has changed the forest's character. Its shadows are darker, and Giant Spiders lurk in their depths, while Orcs prowl the trails that wind through Mirkwood's increasingly dank undergrowth.

The Necromancer's Lieutenant includes:

4 RISKY ADVENTURES in the shadows of Mirkwood - preserve a merchant's caravan from Orcish plunderers; seize a treasure destined for the Necromancer's hold; harass an army bent to Dol Guldur's dark designs; and defeat a prime enemy of the Free People in the Taur-e-Ndaedelos.
DETAILED MAPS of the sites of action, including a Woodman's holding overrun by Orcs, an outpost on the flanks of Amon Lanc, and the caverns utilized as headquarters by the Necromancer's lieutenant, Skauril - a renegade Easterling intent on driving all light from Mirkwood.
GAME STATISTICS for the Beasts, Orcs, and NPCs that wander the eaves of Mirkwood.
MORALE AND VICTORY TABLES for resolution of the battle between Skauril's Army and Thranduil's Elves.

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מוצר זה נוסף לקטלוג ב-יום שני 17 אוגוסט, 2009.
מציג:  משחקי תפקידים - ינשוף ספרים - Iron Crown Enterprises - The Necromancer's Lieutenant
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סכום ביניים: ₪2,904.00
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